A "classic" contemporary
Concerts and broadcastsThe Rudolf Brucci Foundation collaborates with renowned artists (ensembles and soloists), scholars and academia on a series of projects and initiatives.
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Latest news:
The book "The Life and Work of Rudolf Bruči: The Composer in the Rift between Aesthetics and Ideologies" is OUT, thanks to the amazing work by dr. Ivana Medic and Revd Dr. Ivan Moody, and in collaboration with Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Buy it HERE
100th Anniversary (Novi Sad, Spring 2017)
Big debt of gratitude to Nemanja Sovtic, Bogdan Djakovic, Nenad Ostojić, Danijela Kličković, Jovanka Beba Stepanović, Matica Srpska, Akademija Umetnosti Novi Sad, Muzicka Omladina Novog sada, Muzička škola "Isidor Bajić", Српско народно позориште, EUFONIJA, Vojvođanski Simfonijski Orkestar, Tajj String Quartet, Marta Tisma, Aleksandar Kojic, Mirko Stark, Dushan Mihalek, Isidora Zebeljan, Borislav Cicovacki, Nineta Avramovic Loncar... and to each and every institution, individual, and friend who contributed to the success of the 100th Anniversary of Rudolf Brucci